Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Day In The Life of Our House..Currently...(Continued)

I quickly grab my 2 year old and carry her to the bathroom, tell her to "wait right there" while I grab a handtowel off of the towel bar and run back to the room. I throw the towel over the pee that has now soaked into the carpet and stand on it with my bare feet to absorb as much as I can. I pick up the towel and head back to the bathroom tossing the towel in the bathtub for my husband to discover tomorrow morning as he gets in to take a shower. I simultaneously grab the training seat from beside the toilet and my still naked 2 year old. I do some sort of juggling act but manage to shove the both of them on the seat in the correct order.

I run downstairs to grab a diaper, the baby sees me fly past him and his screams quiet and then increase in sound as he realizes I'm not there to pick him up. I grab the diaper from the laundry room and run back through the house and back up the stairs to the bathroom. I silently commend myself for not tripping over the large blue rocking dog parked smack dab in the middle of the living room. Grabbing my 2 year old I throw a diaper on her, ninja style, and then take a moment to just collect myself as I fill my heart pounding. Heading around the corner I find the 3 year old, grab his hand then lead them both down the stairs. We head to the kitchen and I turn the under-the-cabinet tv on and plop them on the floor to watch Curious George.

At this point the baby has seen us and has quieted his screams into whimpers. I walk across the dining room, reach down into the pack and play and grab him his whimpers turning into coos. I clutch him to me taking in his warmth at the same time realizing his sleeper has been soaked completely through and up to his neck in urine. I quickly draw him back from me and carry him to the rug in the living room, lay him down and run to get another diaper from the laundry room. The baby starts screaming when he realizes I've left him there alone. I return and try to manuever the urine soaked, cold, sleeper off of my crying baby. I then change his diaper, pick him up and take him to the laundry room to search for dry clothes. While there I grab some tights and a dress for my 2 year old and some underwear, pants, and a shirt for my 3 year old. I trip over the dirty laundry pile on my way out and note in my head that I need to wash clothes. While sitting in the living room changing the baby I take in the mess that has accumulated in the room over the last few days. I immediately feel overwhelmed by it. It's been 15 minutes since I woke up.

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