Friday, May 23, 2008

Nursing update...

I'm still latching the babe on periodically. I got stuck in the van today with two sleeping little people and a screaming infant. I was in a predictament and I didn't know what to do. My options were to let the infant continue to scream and carry each child inside up to their beds and then run in and make a bottle, wait for it to get warm and then give it to the infant. Or just let the little people sleep in the van in the driveway and latch the infant on. I chose the latter. Overall I found the drivers seat in the van to be an awesome place to nurse. Baby J latched well it seemed and I was able to feed him. I did still need to pump after that though to empy myself. It is a cool feeling to know that you can feed your infant when or where you want to b/c of the convenience of the boob.
I continued to latch him on the rest of the day but he still can't seem to latch on well to the right breast. Maybe I could be a leftie nurser aye?! Who knows! I'll continue to pump and latch on when needed and when I feel the urge. It's nice to have that freedom I guess...

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