Monday, April 07, 2008

Potager Gardening in April II

I'm still working on getting pictures on here but I will soon.

Yesterday we were outside all day cleaning up the yard and getting my 2 raised beds in order. Jason also dug the soil out of this old wash tub planter in the yard so it could be moved. Our neighbors helped him lug it over to where my raised beds are and then they hauled the soil over and put it back in. I mixed some of the vermiculite, compost and moss together and combined it with about 6-8 inches of the existing soil. I then planted 15 strawberry plants in the planter. I planted 5 more strawbery plants in separate smaller pots and I still have 30 more to plant! I think I'll just try to find a space next weekend (or have the Hub do it since I'm about to have a baby!) and just plant them in the ground to see how they do. If you're wondering why I purchased 50 strawberry plants it's b/c there was a 50 plants for $20 sale and I figured I'd put them somewhere! We'll see I guess... I did get my blueberry plant into a container as well thankfully.

This morning I went out to the yard with the kids and had hoped to plant some small onions and some Yukon Gold potatoes but I just couldn't muster up the energy. I woke up 3 times last night with the worst raw sore throat. The third time I woke up it had turned into a congested sore throat that was aching. Fortunately the hub made me some tea (at 4:30am) and grabbed me some plain sudafed and some tylenol. The kids have green boogies and coughs so I'm guessing I caught something, I'm struggling today physically.

But in regards to the garden, the kids are going to their grandparents tomorrow evening at 7pm to stay a few days since I have my induction on Wednesday morning. I thought I could try to get some seeds planted and get the onions and potatoes in the ground. This really isn't that difficult just digging a small trench and planting the little bulbs. The seeds I hope to plant are mesclun and bunching onions. I also thought I'd plant some leaf lettuce seeds since my seedlings in the basement died. I think the heat mat was too much for the leaf lettuce plants I read they do better with a cooler environment...trial & error aye!

I checked out my tomato & pepper seedlings and they're doing great! Parsley and a couple of butternut squash are doing great as well. Oh yes I went ahead and ordered two more raised beds online (this gardening hobby has become quite expensive!) so I can have more space to plant. But after those come in the mail and I purchase some more moss, compost, vermiculite, and a wheel barrow we're done! Hopefully my veggies and berries do well and I will be able to freeze them (and maybe can them depending on if I want to invest in that endeavor-more money) and we'll have veggies and berries all through next winter and spring.

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