Guess who turns 1 today?
I can't believe it's been a year, but then again I kind of can-chaos pure chaos this last year. I love this kid! He is such a silly monkey.
What I remember the most though...
When he came out I latched him on only to not be able to nurse him 2 days later. I had sore and painful, bleeding nips that caused me to go exclusively to pumping. This was devastating to me. But I persevered and got him latched on at 2 months and kicked the pump to the curb! Baby J though didn't give momma much of a break with screaming 3-4 hours a day, every day. We cosleeped with him, something I said I'd never do-my how things change! At exactly 7 months I reluctantly stopped nursing and he amazingly stopped crying. He became a happy baby, not sure entirely of all the reasons. And he started sleeping 10-12 hours a night.
Unlike my other babes he started crawling at 8 months and barrels through life pushing his way through. I swear he is as strong as my 2 year old! I'm excited for this year as he begins to walk and talk and interact more with the other babes.
Oh how I love Baby J. He smooshes his nose into my cheek to cuddle and he does this funny snorting thing when he's being silly. It is usually accompanied by him sitting cross legged on the floor and bouncing forward-such a goof!
Happy Birthday my 3rd babe I love you!
Happy Birthday Baby J! ...and did I read your profile right? You are thinking about having a fourth? You are one brave woman!!!
Happy Birthday! I'll be right over to chew on those cheeks.
Happy Birthday Baby J!
I hope you enjoy the day just as much as he does, Momma Bear.
Yeah I'm contemplating it but it I would not shoot to be pregnant for at the very least 1 year. Every other day I'm like yes and the the next day I'm like not a good idea. Who knows.
Happy B-day Baby J!! What wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing them!
happy birthday, little man!!
No worries, I had to ask brandi what my fav movies were.hahaha. I love the HOliday!!!!.. HAppy bday to baby J!!!!
Happy Birthday Joseph!!!
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