Saturday, February 28, 2009


I was awoken this morning by Super N coughing strangely and the huz yelling, "SHE SWALLOWED A PENNY!" I sat up and observed the situation trying to figure out what to do. She was clearly still breathing but her gag reflex kept working and sending up slobber-lots of slobber. I grabbed her and hit her back while she was upside down. This wasn't successful. I asked the huz to please call 911 because she wasn't acting right and although she could breathe it seemed like the penny may have been stuck.

The paramedics arrived about 10 minutes later. They listened to her chest and back and weren't too concerned since she could breathe. They said her behavior was a little a-typical, we knew. She wasn't acting normal and her gag reflex kept contracting. We were concerned.

We were told to observe her and to take her to Childrens Hospital if anything seemed strange, we were on high alert. I got her a cup of milk and she started to guzzle it. A few minutes later I hear her throw up. The huz yells, "SHE THREW UP!" I yelled, "CALL YOUR PARENTS WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!" But then he yells, "I SEE THE PENNY! SHE THREW UP THE PENNY!" We were so relieved. She's okay and is her peppy ol' self

We can breathe again.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness how scary! I'm glad it came up and all was alright!

rachel... said...

OMG!!! Horrifying, seriously! I am so not good with stuff like this, I totally would have been freaking out! I'm so glad she's okay!!!

Shady Lady said...

Oh my gosh! How scary! That would totally freak me out. I'm glad she's okay and that you avoided a hospital visit. What a relief! We only had to go to the hospital once with Princess (pneumonia), but it sucked.

Unknown said...

Isn't that scary? My oldest choked on a quarter once, my husband was able to reach in his throat and grab it out, but it was so scary to see my baby choking!

Aliceson said...

OMG! So glad she got it up. My daughter swallowed a button (roughly the size of a penny ) when she was a year old. Freaked me out but she got it up the same way. I had to clean puke off the floor but was quite relieved that she got it up and it didn't have to make the long way out.

I also know a woman who's child ate a nickle and something else... can't remember. They just waited for it to pass. Yowza!

Ute said...

Wow, that is really scary. I'm so glad she's alright. Yikes!!

Momma Bear said...

thx everyone I appreciate your thoughts and sentiments! Yes we are thoroughly relieved!

Meg said...

How frightening! This is why I should never have kids. I'd have probably decided to operate using the bread knife...

Also, I re-read my last post and realised how little sense it probably made to anyone from a non-rugby nation. Well done for reading till the end!

Unknown said...


Jenni said...

my kids choking is one of my worst fears. so glad she's okay!