As some of you know my house was in contract to be sold and we were in contract to buy a house this past winter and then a mistake was made and it all came unraveled. I drove past the house today. The house we paid for an appraisal and inspection for. The one I drove past almost every other day for a couple of months trying to map out different routes to all the places we frequent weekly. Painful. There was furniture neatly arranged on the porch, evidence that someone else has now named it home. I know it's been 4 months but I'm still having a difficult time. We are unmoving, unpacking and trying to get back to normal but it is still difficult.
I'm really trying to be grateful for what I have but I'm still really bummed and each time I unpack a box it's a painful reality of the whole stinky house process we went through. I really want to feel better about all of this. Why can't I feel better?
I feel like I should apologize for being so down about this. And I feel like I should just move on. Believe me I'm really trying to move on I just don't know how to.
On a more positive note though. My parents asked me today if me and my family would like to go to the beach with them this summer, I'm so grateful. I called the huz at work and he was okay with it so I started to look online for beach house rentals. We first discussed going to the Outer Banks in North Carolina, cause I love it there. But we then thought of Virginia Beach and ultimately came to the conclusion that we were going to rent a big ol' 12 passenger van and drive to Pensacola, Florida. Crazy! But yes we are going to Florida in August! Very, very exciting.
As kids we lived in Pensacola, Florida for a time when my dad was in the Navy. I have not been there since I was a young babe. I'm very excited to go and rest on the beach, go fishing and just watch my babes have fun in the sun with their grandparents and my nephews, who will be going as well. Can't wait!