Back in December the Hub and I found a train cake mold at Williams-Sonoma for half off and W just loved it! When I scheduled W's little get together I didn't realize that it fell on Easter weekend. And I didn't realize how tired I'd be with the pregnancy. Although W just loved the cake I found myself hoping that I'd have to make a sudden turn or come to a sudden stop as I was driving it over to the grandparents house. I desperately wanted to scrap it and just buy a sheet cake! Let's just say I didn't have the energy to invest the time that I would've liked to make it a bit more something. But fortunately W was enamored with it and fortunately the eyes of kids are not the eyes of Martha Stewart.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
W's 3rd Birthday Party
Back in December the Hub and I found a train cake mold at Williams-Sonoma for half off and W just loved it! When I scheduled W's little get together I didn't realize that it fell on Easter weekend. And I didn't realize how tired I'd be with the pregnancy. Although W just loved the cake I found myself hoping that I'd have to make a sudden turn or come to a sudden stop as I was driving it over to the grandparents house. I desperately wanted to scrap it and just buy a sheet cake! Let's just say I didn't have the energy to invest the time that I would've liked to make it a bit more something. But fortunately W was enamored with it and fortunately the eyes of kids are not the eyes of Martha Stewart.
Friday, March 21, 2008
I'm going to bed now.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
A Bit Of Energy
I purchased 15lbs of ground chuck (you should've seen the butchers and the hubs face) but I had a plan! If the ground chuck is $1.99 a lb or less I'm stocking up for now on if I need beef. I also got two bags of the chicken breast tenders, 8lbs for $14.98.
This morning I must have gotten a burst of energy b/c I spent a few hours in the kitchen, while the kids destroyed the house, and prepared a bunch of stuff for the freezer. The meat I bought this week combined with the meat I bought last week should keep us covered for meals for at least 2 months or more.
This is what I put together today.
3 uncooked meatloaves
about 30-40 meatballs, roasted
13 salsbury steak burgers, parroasted
4lbs of browned ground chuck, individually wrapped in 1lb pkgs for tacos, chili, etc.
2lbs of steamed, diced chicken breast, individually wrapped in 1lb pkgs. Hope to cook more but ran out of energy!
10 hamburgers seasoned with garlic, salt and pepper
I diced about 4lbs of idaho potatoes, tossed them with ranch dressing powder and roasted them in the oven until crispy. I then pkgd them equally in 4 pkgs.
I also got to Sams this week and got the Ravioli I like. This is conveniently easy! It requires boiling and I like to throw it in a dish with sauce and cheese and then bake it, yum!
My goal in all this is to have to leave the house as little as possible for groceries. We'll still have to go to the store for milk and some fruit and maybe some veggies but overall the meat is covered for a while. One thing I found out about myself when I made freezer meals for my family while pregnant with Super N is that I don't like to pull completed meals out of the freezer. I like to be able to smell the food cooking and I enjoy doing some of the prep work. What I prepped today gives me options as to what I can cook which I like very much..
Some things I still hope to make, but we'll see how I feel over the next few days or weeks.
Goat Cheese, mozzarella, and parmesan calzones (I'd like to make 4 med & 4 small)
Deep Dish Pizza dough (at least 2)
Hamburger buns and Hotdog buns (found a great whole wheat recipe, easy too!)
Make up some pancake & waffle batter and freeze
Make up some Homemade Bisquick mix (found an excellent version that uses whole wheat flour)
Make a pot of beans to freeze to use when canned beans are needed (we're trying to eat more beans)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ahh Taxes
We were kind of dreading tax time this year b/c we knew we would owe. Fortunately we owed half as much as we thought!
So I guess everyone will be getting rebates this year after April 15th in hopes to "stimulate the economy". Or in other words it's just an advance on next years taxes so put that in a high yield savings account if you can and collect some interest on it!
Although I'll be putting most of it in savings I think we might take a little and use it to fix up our porch (me fix it up, a lot cheaper albeit tiring and a dirty job) or get a new screen door b/c ours has gotten real ghetto looking and acting. Oh yeah I'm still waiting for a concrete lifting company to give me an estimate on raising our front steps, you'd think they'd want some cash but I haven't gotten one estimate after calling 3 companies. Let's hope they're waiting for warmer weather before trekking out here otherwise my steps will not be lifted this year.
Who knows!
Fact or Fiction? You Decide...
I use mostly Seventh Generation and Method but haven considered a lot of these others!
Here you go
W and Super N these days
While leaving the doctor's yesterday I let Super N walk as opposed to riding in the stroller. It was so cute to see W and Super N following me around like little ducklings. I think I really like this age and I'm looking forward to the next year of them becoming more independent and talking more.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Seed Planting III
I received the new bulbs today and the Hub put them in and they too do not work. He opened up the light fixture to see what he could find out (electronics engineer major) and determined the light for whatever reason is broke. How upsetting! Now I have to email the company again and wait longer to get light onto my seeds. I'm just hoping they'll be as accomodating as they were with replacing the assumed blown out bulbs.
Fortunately, I checked on my seeds and the majority of my tomatoes have 2.5" sprouts and my leaf lettuce has 1.5" sprouts so some things are growing which makes me feel better as I await for a new fixture.
It's frustrating sometimes ordering stuff online. Most of the time I don't have problems with products but as of late it seems I have.
I ordered some dishwashing detergent through back in January when they were doing the 20% off the Subscribe and Save program. I was able to get this particular product pretty darn cheap. Well it came and out of 12 bottles 6 of the bottles lids were broken and the products were upside down so most of the detergent was pouring out of the containers and had filled the box they inhabited and was starting to leak through the outside box. Of course nobody noticed this until it was laying in my living room floor. What a mess! But amazon was great and they shipped me out a whole new box for free and gave me back my money on the other one and let me keep the unopened 6 bottles of soap.
For W's birthday we found this cool wooden toaster that comes with fake toast and butter. It arrived today and we decided to give it to him since he'll be receiving another gift from us on his birthday and then more gifts after that from his grandparents and cousins, etc. Well the bottom of the toaster was all jacked up. So tomorrow I have to call the company and find out what I need to do. Of course I can't take the toaster from him right now b/c he would not understand so I'm not sure what's going to happen. It's just a bit annoying and disappointing.
Life Right Now
This pregnancy I didn't struggle with these types of fears as much, they'd pop into my head once in a while usually when I would react in anger to W or Super N or yell at them. But overall I haven't felt as anxious until recently. Now I'm having anxious thoughts of bringing a new baby into our little mix. What will it be like? And can I cope? But as well I am getting really excited to meet Baby J and to have the kids see him. I really want to know what the kids think of him and I want to see how they will interact with him.
I'm now 35 weeks pregnant and I don't have much time left before I deliver the newby. I know the next few weeks will fly by. With W's birthday next week I'll be busy thinking about how to manage my time and energy so I can make cupcakes for our playgroup, buy some party supplies for the family party and make a train cake. Also, just maintaining the house and trying to get the kids to the reading/craft time at the library and Cosi, I'd like to get a couple of meals in the freezer (of course I need to shop for the ingredients too) we'll see if all this gets accomplished!
I start my weekly OB checks next week which will make the time fly by as well. I talked to my OB about inducing me a week early and she is totally on board. Now I'm having doubts. I really don't prefer any of the other doctors at my OB's office, let's just say my esperiences with them have not been pleasant. It's actually been a source of stress for me throughout this pregnancy. And I've wanted to pursue laboring in water which is only offered at Grant Hospital and my Doc does not deliver there. I tried a few weeks ago to pursue my friend K's doctor and Midwife but b/c I was beyond 28 weeks pregnant they would require me to go through a process that in my opinion would add more stress and may in the end not end up to my advantage. So here I am considering induction so I can be sure my Doc is the only one who will be, excuse my crassness but, "all up in my crotch". I hope Baby J decides to come when my Doc is on call, wouldn't that be nice and less stressful!
In preparation for Baby J's arrival we have set up a twin sized bed equipped with rails for W. His crib is still in his room and now belongs to Super N. We put W in his big boy bed Saturday night and Super N in the crib in the same room and they've done great! No problems this whole week. W has gotten up each morning, woke up his sister I'm sure, and pulled out toys and played until we've come into free them. I put a childproof doorknob cover on the knob so thankfully that's working to keep them contained. I now need to move a few of Super N's personal items into her new space and personalize Baby J's room before he comes and that's it! Everything is mostly ready to go! What a load off!
We hired a cleaning company that will come tomorrow to clean and every 2 weeks thereafter . I am so grateful and relieved but I feel a bit torn about having a cleaning service. I've been so gungho about paying off debt that I keep thinking "Is this wise?". But in considering our priorities with the soon-to-be arrival of a new baby and having two little people already, a relatively clean house and saving our energy to give to the kids is really important to us right now. I just need to remember that. I guess it's good to some degree that I feel tension about this decision since I don't want to throw my money away, I just need to remember our priorities periodically and also be willing to give up the service when the right time comes (that I hear is the difficult part!).
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
W is almost 3
After I had W I got so depressed. Having a new baby in the house and all that comes with that completely overwhelmed me. Part of it was the lack of sleep and not being able to latch W on right away. I remember having cracked nips that were bleeding and I'd try to latch him on and I'd be kicking my feet on the floor and just bawling from the pain. I gave up the fight and pain after about 5 weeks and a night spent in the ER with double Mastitis.
When W was 7 weeks old I remember the hub and I ready to lose our minds. We kept having to remind eachother that sleep deprivation has been (and may still be) used as a form of torture. This would make us feel a little better that the emotions and exhaustion we felt were "normal" albeit painful. Fortunately too Will started sleeping through most of the night at 7 weeks, 5 or 6 hours and it increased from there thankfully.
When I was pregnant with W I only gained 7lbs. After I had W I gained 20-25lbs b/c of depression. I cried a lot throughout that year. I remember when we started trying for Super N that November (2005) and thinking is this the right time?? But nonetheless we tried, got pregnant and it was very hard still. Things did settle down but it took a little while.
I sought out counseling for myself in January (2006) and did that until April of that year. A lot of my struggles I remember was with my mom and dad who put a lot of pressure and provided no support at all to the Hub and I. I learned in counseling what it meant to put boundaries up with them and also I made a decision to end all contact with them for a period of time until I could get my head on straight and God could do a work in my heart. I have since initiated contact with them and our relationship is actually a lot healthier thinks to all that I learned and the healing I gained during that time of separation. (Perhaps another blog one day...)
Back to W, the hub has been working on numbers with him lately and tonight he counted to 10 all by himself. I bought some flashcards and he's currently learning his letters and can identify some of them without help. It's very bittersweet to see him change and grow. We hope to put him in preschool in the fall and I know he'll love it and thrive there. It kind of saddens me in that from there on out he'll be in school but again I know he'll love it and I want him to get some time consistently with other kids his age and with teachers that can invest in him. Now if we can get the potty training down he'll be set to go.
Seed Planting II
I'll keep you updated as things progress!
I had planned on planting a few of the heartier seeds outside this past saturday but my plans were derailed by the blizzard.
I've been collecting our used Milk Jugs so I can cut off part of the bottom and use the jug as a green house to keep the heartier seeds from getting too cold. The pour spout also allows you to water the seeds! I think this idea is wonderful! It's not my idea but a suggestion I found online.
My Sam's Club trip that turned into my Meijer trip
So I toss and turn for about 10 minutes and get this idea that I could go to Sam's and buy things that I want to stock up on for when Baby J comes.
Bulk cheese
Coffee (Hub will be too tired to roast for a while I'm sure!)
chicken breast
1/2 & 1/2
peanut butter
mac & cheese (totally convenient and easy!)
Well I thought I remembered that business owners get in at 5:30 and regular membership owners get in at/around 8am or something. Well I get dressed wake the Hub and let him know my plans and then I head to Sam's at Sawmill at 5:30am. I get there only to discover they actually open at 7am for business owners and 10am for all other memberships. Duh! You'd think I'd look at my card before trekking out at 5:30am! But I was one of the only people out and I got to listen to NPR uninterrupted and I got a hot cup of coffee to drink in the car again uninterrupted. It wasn't actually awful even though I was tired.
So since Sam's was closed I headed across the street and a little North to Meijer, they're opened 24 hours. I grabbed my list and went about my business. It took me almost an hour and then I had to use the "help yourself" checkout lane. The machine kept boogering up my purchases and then requiring me to get approval, it took forever! It then ate my receipt! The guy that helped me couldn't get anyone to come and help him and so he told me he'd mail me my receipt. I looked at him skeptically and was like "sure you will!" But I got his name and I'll call back in a few days to make sure they actually do mail my receipt.
So I ended up spending $155 at Meijer this week. I planned on not going to the store at all (except for necessities) b/c I have plenty of meals in the freezer from a few months ago to last the week. I discovered this fact this past weekend as I was fussing with stuff in the basement to make the basement accessible for me to take care of my seeds. But I know now I'm nesting and so I'm feeling the urge to get as much in order to make life "easier" for myself, the hub and the kids for now and when Baby J comes.
So let's see what deals did I get?
Starbucks coffee (all varieties including decaf) is $6.99 a bag. It's normally $8-$9 something a bag. At Sam's I'd paid $19.99 (well at least 2 months ago maybe it's risen in price??) for 2lbs and only had the options of House blend, Breakfast blend, or French Roast. I was able to get 5 bags (60 oz) for $9.32 a lb as opposed to $10.08 a lb at Sam's with limited variety.
Also, boneless skinless chix breast (frozen) were B1G1 free. They are 4lb bags so I got 8lbs of chix for $14.98. This ends up being $1.87 a lb!! I've not been able to get chix that cheap in a long time. I do prefer the fresh and "natural" chix but I'm really trying to save money right now and this chicken will most likely be in casseroles, soups, and doctored up someway so it should be fine.
I probably didn't get as great of a deal on cheese but I did get a significant deal on light butter, which is normally $3.99 for 4 sticks. I got it for $1.99 on sale, I grabbed 3 packages.
I believe I spent around the same amount I'd have spent at Sam's, plus or minus a few ounces. But I didn't get the Ravioli. Maybe I can get my dad-in-law to pick me that up since he goes pretty often.
I've not made it to CVS yet. We've had colds around here and aren't feeling like doing much except what has to be done so I may not get there this week. The only thing I want to buy right now are diapers for the newby to have on hand and shampoo for Will's reoccuring cradle cap.
Maybe I'll get a spurt of energy and head out there tonight or tomorrow night.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Poop on the carpet
The poop is still there if that tells you anything about how my week has gone! But I guess you can say that I've been contemplating how to clean it up. Well I ran across this other moms blog and thought I'd pass her suggestion on for those potty training days or when, like in my case, the full diaper squirts up and out onto the carpeted stairs!
First, I ended up spending $90 for the week. This in my opinion was still too much money since the majority of my meat I had picked up the previous week. Also, I was growled at by 3 old people, this sucked and I had to bite my tongue to prevent myself from growling back. Don't get me wrong I enjoy old people on a whole (I did Home Health Elderly Care for 6 years and started the Gerontology program that was once at Cols State before it was killed so...).
Let's just say I don't prefer the clientele that mostly visit Kroger. Now I don't believe it's this one store I visited, this is the third Kroger store I've now decided to boycott b/c of cleanliness issues and clientele issues.
I planned on going to Meijer this weekend but we had carryout twice this week and then we are going out to dinner tonight. I have 3 leftover meals that I can prepare and I have a few meals in the deep freezer that I need to use. I'm going to try to just purchase milk, bananas, apples and maybe eggs and try to stretch our freezer meals to next week to save money.
I did go to CVS on Monday night. I forgot the majority of my coupons b/c Super N stole them out of my bag. But even without them I did okay I just wasn't able to buy much.
CVS for the month of March is giving an ECB of $2.99 for Colgate Total, plus whitening. This tube of toothpaste costs $2.99 so that's free. Oh yeah well they're also on sale for $2.50 so actually you get $2.50 for taking them off their hands, unreal! There is of course a limit of 5. I bought those and since I bought 4 tubes of toothpaste last week I'll be giving these to the Xenos Food Pantry. This was another desire of mine in
What else did I buy...oh yes I did return the revlon makeup and got my $23 back. And I purchased two swiffer mop refill pads. They were on sale for $6.99 each and if you spent $10 on those you get $5 back. I was thinking they would make my life a little bit easier with the baby coming. But now since we're thinking about budgeting in a housecleaner short term maybe I'll return them.
So my total was $27, I had a $5 off coupon and $7 in ECB's from last week. I paid $15.?? in cash and got back $20 in ECB's. And since I returned the Revlon products I got my $23 back to. Unreal (I'm going to keep saying this word fyi.)
Yesterday was my 9th wedding anniversary. Tonight the Hub and I are going out to dinner after we drop the kids off at Grandmas and Grandpas for the night. We are very excited.
The above words from Elizabeth Barrett Browning were scanned from my Wedding schedule. Ironically EBB was born on the day we were married, I didn't know this when I chose to include this piece of writing. I think it's lovely and I feel it's more true today then how I felt 9 years ago.
I remember how anxious and depressed I was 9 years ago and I'm so grateful for how God has used my stable and loving husband to really help me understand love in a deeper way. And how life really is not as chaotic as my home life was. The hub and I have our problems but we have such a deeper understanding of one another and value one another so much more now than we ever had. I'm very grateful for him being in my life and even though this season of our life is chaotic, with almost 3 little demanding people that don't allow us to be as selfish as we wish or to spend that much quality time together, we are having fun most days of the week (of course we're then collapsing in bed from exhaustion!).
I had W and Super N on my lap yesterday reading to them and I was thinking that 9 years ago they didn't exist and how weird that is! Jason and I had thought for our 10 year anniversary we'd go overseas to Italy and travel to a few other countries but where we are at in life with the 3 little people, that's not gonna happen! So the trip will be postponed (maybe the 15th or 20th anniversary??) and we'll do something probably like this year.
Yummy Cinnamon Roll Recipe
Let me know if you want the recipe.
Seed Planting...Finally!

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Grocery Trip Last Week
At any rate, I spent $120 at Giant Eagle! I will not be going back there for a while unless I have coupons and only buy things on sale. As you can see I went way over my designated budget. Once again the convenience factor of Giant Eagle bit me in the butt.
On a good note though, they did have pork Tenderloin $1.97 a lb and 85% lean Ground Chuck $1.99 a lb for 3lbs or more. I bought 10lbs of the beef and a 5.5lbs of the pork tenderloin. I also got $.60 more off of my gas per gallon which with my recent purchases totaled $.80 off a gallon. I happened to need my gas tank filled right after shopping Monday night so that was helpful.
For my menu this week, courtesy of I plan to substitute 2 or 3 of the meals with ground chuck meals and pork tenderloin meals. I'm thinking bbq pork & probably hamburgers (I love a good burger!!).
Fyi, the menusformoms website is such a great resource. Albeit some of the recipes are a bit strange so keep an open mind. This website provides free weekly menus and a grocery list, how convenient is that?! Also, they have past menus archived on their website so you can search for an ingredient you may have gotten on sale or need to use up. This is how I decided on the menu I'm going to use this week, bbq pork & another pork dish etc.
I hope this website is helpful for others.
In regards to my trip to CVS, I was a bit disappointed this week with my experience. I ended up buying
1 container of Boost
a revlon mascara
a revlon eyeliner
some revlon emery boards
easter egg dying cups
a venus embrace razor
2 bags of Organic Soil (only $1 more than regular soil at CVS nonetheless).
My total was: $43.93
I used the $23 in ECB's I got last week and then the $4 coupon CVS gave me via email for signing up on their website and I had a $2 coupon.
So I paid $15.94 & received $7 back in ECB's. Now I'm supposed to receive another $10 in ECB's but for some reason the cash register didn't generate this ECB. I had to wait at the store for an extra 20 minutes Monday night as the manager tried to contact someone on the phone to figure out why I didn't get my $10. I did leave without my $10 but was told someone would call me, they still haven't called me. So in anticipation of this I didn't open any of the Revlon products so that I can return them today or tomorrow.
To explain though why I was to receive $10 in ECB's, if you purchased $20 of Revlon products last week you received $10 back.
Also, the Boost drink was $1 and I received $1 back in an ECB and The Venu Razor was $9.99 I had a $2 off coupon and they gave me $6 back in ECB's.
So when I return the Revlon products I will have spent $5.26 out of pocket and I still have $7 in ECB's to redeem. So stay aware when you are doing the CVS thing, pay attention to what you are supposed to receive in ECB's and make sure you get them.
This week I believe I'm going to go to Walmart to shop for groceries.
Playing in the Dirt in February
